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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gal power!

Talking about gal power and women empowerment issues, I believe that ALL women, ladies and gals should be involved in this struggle (it has become a struggle). There’s a need for ALL of the female folk to pitch in their bit to help change the society’s view of women.

It is very difficult for men to see beyond the cleavages of women most times because that is all they see most of the time. It is said of the American female superstars that when they are getting to the end of their careers they decide to re-launch themselves by promoting their sensuality. In the entertainment industry especially the music industry, the guys do the singing or rapping or whatever and the gals do the dirty dancing and it doesn’t matter the age of the guy. What do you want people to think? The fashion mags are not left out when all most of them do is promote sensuality as opposed to feminineness and sex appeal as opposed to brain power.

As for me, I feel sad when I see this debased portrayal of womanhood when I know that is not how it should be. I wonder if all this women that do this erotic dance for all this musical videos are actually forced into or coerced into doing it. Like I said, it is difficult for me to accept that a semi dressed lady is more than that because the impression that comes to mind is SEX that’s all. I don’t know if I am coming across clearly but I just wanted to put all this down before I lose steam.

I believe in gal power in fact I believe that women have so much power if only they knew and I respect women a lot especially those worthy of respect and we have quite a lot of them to mention a few Oby Ezekwesili, Okonjo Iweala, Hillary Clinton, Condoleza Rice, Ellen Johnson Siarleaf, Michelle Obama and a host of others. These are clear examples of actual gal power which shows that such levels can be attained for women it just depends on how they place themselves. I strongly believe no one can make you do what you don’t really want to do or call you a name that is not yours except you allow the person. These women I just mentioned and others I haven’t mentioned got to where they are today by working hard and exhibiting feminineness and not sensuality(it will be rare for any of these above mentioned women to enter pages where they will be rated on their sensuality or sex appeal) on their fashion sense, yes but definitely not on sensuality. It will be difficult to imagine a vice president of the World Bank as having sexual appeal or even the female president of a Nation. I mean only her husband can see her that way and she does not come out screaming I am a sex symbol in everything she does.

I believe that if all women concentrate on promoting all other qualities they posses (which is quite numerous) rather than their sensuality alone, they will definitely have all the respect they deserve. Let female authors arise that will write the autobiography of the women I mentioned above and others like them, go to them; ask questions about their life and how they coped and all that. Encourage others to follow their footsteps.

Women will be taken more seriously if they understand their role fully and present a united front against such misrepresentation of womanhood.

I am a guy, I love women and above all, I respect them and believe in gal power.


Monday, July 4, 2011

I am scattered….

How? Well, I know I wrote “I am single…” so am I about to contradict myself now? No, far from it, I just want to voice out for those of us who find it very difficult to be single. Now let me pause here and direct you to my blog link where you need to first read the blog post titled “I am single….” Without which this particular blog will not make so much sense to you o.k.? Good.
Some of us are born with ease, now I don’t mean our mums had it easy birthing us but rather that we came with ease as a companion. As interesting as this, sounds, it is the undoing of most of us in this category. Oh yes! We learn with ease, we acquire skills with ease, we breeze through most situations without effort then the quicksand, people hail us, flatter us and then we become so full of ourselves. We can do anything and we don’t need to practice much because it comes to us naturally. Sports, business name it. And here is the result, we are not able to focus, we are free spirited and very mobile, moving to the next interesting thing. We become Jack of all trade and master of none because being disciplined is a struggle since we pick things easily.
You may by now be wondering who we are, we are the multi talented, the scattered. A quick glance at my profile please and you will get an idea of what I am trying to explain. We can be so many things so much so that people find it difficult to place us. Even we cannot place ourselves sometimes. It took me this long to be able to articulate my profile, a candid description of me and my abilities and there is more but let me stop here for now.
Everyone seeks relevance and like I said in “I am single…” people have the capacity to remember you for one thing only therefore the struggle that most multi talented people have is, which is the way for me? Let me come out of my mind to get you a clearer picture…
This is me, I love singing, I see someone else who is a great singer and I wish I was that person and check it out, I can sing too and very well. The next minute, I see an actor display and I am equally moved to want to be like him and I have what it takes to be like him. Then I read a book and oh what a book and I want to be an author and I have what it takes as well. I mean, my case is not like those that just know they are not cut out for some things and therefore do not bother to venture, for me I can and I know I can, feel me? So, I have the ability to do so many things but wonder which way do I go? What will announce me to the world and keep me in their minds forever? Which of the many abilities and skills will I be renowned for? Folks, this struggle can be very heart rending and we are tended easily towards bouts of depression.
Are you following me so far? I am scattered. I can do so many things and be so many things and that is my problem or is it? Is it a bad thing to be like this? No! It is NOT… I feel strongly for this category of people because I am one with them and I know how it can feel sometimes and here is my word of advice to you.
God is a very purposeful Being and our individual uniqueness contributes to the overall beauty and wonder that is the world. It don’t matter if you are multi skilled or single skilled, the charge is to work with what you have for the benefit of mankind. You don’t have to be Bill Gates to make a difference. Fame does not always translate to positive impact that is why there are those called unsung heroes. They are still heroes, it doesn’t matter the word that is used to qualify the hero either sung or unsung, the constant there is hero. They are not known but their deeds and contributions to mankind reverberate through history and beyond. Check the dictionary for the meaning of hero again then look into the mirror and you will see the hero is you. I thoroughly enjoyed Evan Almighty the movie, Acts of Random Kindness (ARK), whatever your skills or talents level, build an ARK. Don’t bury your talents like the servant who did (Matthew 25:14-30). Do something with what you have at every opportunity that presents itself. I sing, I act, I speak, I blog, I do all the things I can do and I put my heart in it. That is what you should do too. Run away from depressive thoughts; express yourself to the fullest as God is your limit.
Pro 11:24  There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. e-Sword KJV.
I am scattered, to be a blessing multiple times over and I am loving every moment of it… let’s do this…