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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Money, Money, Money (the big break you’ve been waiting for)

I am yet to meet anyone who does not love to have all of his/her needs met with little or no stress. I have read of those who choose to be poor and back it up by taking the vow or oath of poverty. Today’s post will not focus on the latter as they have made their choice. They have decided that poverty is their calling and for them, it should be embraced. These people have chosen not to acquire any riches whatsoever or enjoy any luxury. That is them, their choice and their life.
Now to the former, where the average human being falls on are those who desire to enjoy the good things of life, have their needs met as and when due and be in position to be of assistance to others in need. I belong to a type of this category of people. I say a type because there are those in these category that are doing something to make sure they live their dream, while there are those who just stop at the level of dreaming dreams hoping that one day, the dream will come true through no effort of theirs. Me, I am with the former in this case and not the latter.
I have come across a lot of persons that desire the good life and that is where it ends for them, desire. Work? No, these are not desirous of doing what is necessary to make their dream a reality. These are the worst kind and people should be wary of such. The Bible says categorically that “he who does not work must not eat” (please note that the paraphrase is mine) Apostle Paul said so in 2Thes3:10. It doesn’t matter how easy the work that needs to be done is, they just won’t do it and they want to ride big cars, live in mansions and enjoy the good life. Beats me.
There is the other set of individuals who really desire the big bucks, who are tired of just breaking even and just don’t know how to get out of the rut of living from hand to mouth. They barely make enough to get by not to talk of having savings. These people truly work hard but they are just not getting the commensurate reward.
This blog is addressed to the last set of people I just mentioned above. But first, you need to answer some tough questions. Are you ready to give it what it takes to get what you desire? Because I’m afraid, I have met quite a few of these set of individuals who want the big break but are afraid to commit to pursue risky but viable ideas. They fail to realize that, no venture, no gain. No pain, no gain. They fail to see that the seed determines the harvest. They want to make it big, but are afraid to step out. How can you know if you don’t ask? How can you get if you don’t try?
Now to the crux of the matter, to the piece de resistance like the French will put it as in to my raison d’ecrire( I trust I have murdered French a bit), permit me to welcome you to an old trick afresh. I have just recently discovered the sense in this strategy and the opportunities that abound in this business opportunity. Welcome into my world of Multi-level-Marketing, yes, MLM or Network Marketing like some will say and mine is with an added twist. You need to contact me to find out more though, but I assure, if you know what I know, you will make it big in little or no time. It all boils down to how hungry you are. How passionate you are about changing your present circumstances. How desirous you are of enjoying the good live and affecting others as you do is vital to your success in this line of business or if the opposite is the case for you then it should be how much you abhor poverty, all work for me.
MLM you say! Not again. I have uttered these same words several times back but now, the drumming pattern has changed and so has the song(borrowed from a Yoruba idiom). I am for making it big, yes and working hard and smart to do so. If you are with me on this, call me on 2348038194265, or email right now. Do this, and start on the journey that will lead you to realize your dreams…
Let’s go there…

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