I know, this looks like an attempt by me to generate more traffic to my blog through various search engines. Well, you may be right and what is wrong with that any way? I have mentioned in the description of this blog that sometimes, the blog could be a series of questions, so here goes….
I have had reason to post a question on my facebook® wall and I can’t say whether to be surprised that only one person commented. The question was what is the meaning of sexy? Maybe we have not truly overcome our shyness towards anything that has to do with sex.
I have heard a lot of usage of that word that confuses me, sayings like, what a sexy shoe! Wow! That car is sexy – and more. So, how can a car be sexy or a shoe sexy?
According to WordWeb® Sexy means, Marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest. Which begs the question, how can a shoe arouse sexual desire in a person? Or please help me out, my head still swims when I hear that a man finds another man sexy not to talk of saying a car, or shoe or whatever inanimate object is sexy to say the least.
I came across a blog site that really thrilled me and I learnt from there that the brain is the most important sex organ because that is where it all starts. The state of your mind is very critical therefore what you feed your mind with is crucial. You have to learn to err on the path of caution when it comes to feeding your mind. The trend now is going for that hot and sexy look so every fashion accessory is sexy, your car is sexy, your house is sexy is born out of sexually dominated mind. Colored and distorted view of sex which is rampant nowadays is destructive. Negative trending is on the rise and is presented as cool, ahn ahn naaaa that isn’t cool, not cool at all.
The fact that it is grossly glamorized does not make it cool either.
We are in the world but not of the world, says Jesus, we are light and salt. We are to live our lives as examples to win unbelievers to the kingdom of God. We are called to be vigilant and mindful of the little foxes that destroy the vine. We should be wary of the attraction of the world by standing firm and trending ‘The Way’. We are called to be discerning of all things and in all situations. We are called to do so because we have been empowered to do so.
The world view will always be anti-Christ, yes. So if you are Christ’s, the world is against you already. Worry not yourself too much, focus on Christ and you have gained the main thing. After all, no man has ever profited from gaining the world and losing his soul.
My wife is sexy… yes to me she is and that should be all.
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