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Friday, April 22, 2011

Blast from the past contd...

here is the second article, Enjoy...

Time keeper

Hellooo! Well you may be wondering who the time keeper is or what it means, though I remember back then in secondary school, we had designated time keepers who by the use of bells or other forms of attention grabbing device, indicate the start or end of events such as assembly, class, break time and so on as pertaining to the school schedule. And then I remember also that it was a taboo to be late for any of these events as each attracts its own commensurate retribution.
What really is so confusing is the situation that gives now in this present time where programs are started far behind or should I say far in front of the scheduled time of commencement. It is commonplace for people to arrive hours after an event was billed to commence and this has more or less become accepted such that it is appropriately termed. “African time” they call it. The really baffling thing is that even Christians are not left out and we are supposed to live exemplary lives as we are the “salt and Light” of the earth.
Let me put it to you this way, what is your attitude to timing? Are you part of those who believe in African timenism? Should that be our attitude as Christians? Or where do we place the message of time in Eccl 3? Or maybe we do not realize that we will account for every time spent either doing nothing or doing something. How can we possibly redeem the time if we are obviously careless about it, or may be our sojourn in tertiary institutions has erased the little sense of timing we acquired from our secondary school days due to the flexible environment that operates in such institutions.
That every other person is tall does not make me tall,  it is time for us all to be time sensitive not just conscious and let us always stick to time, it saves a lot of stress if we do things in their time. Let us learn to redeem our time as GOD has pointed out to us ok! Good! Till next time, don’t do it just because every body does it, it is a flimsy excuse. Ciao. 

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