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Friday, April 22, 2011

Nigeria i hail thee.

I can't believe this is happening. Thank God for Hard disks. i just pulled a recent but ancient vituperation of mine. it was a sign of the times in Nigeria not too far back, but things are changing fro the better now. it's a good read though, because it bellied a lot of anger. i am posting it as it is, unedited. Enjoy...

I have read with avid interest the many comments made by Nigerians on the state of our nation. I have actively participated in lively discussions with Nigeria being the sole topic and I have tracked the response of Nigerians worldwide via the media on their views about the state of the Nation.
I have carefully noted the response of Nigerians as we approached the marking of Nigeria at 50 and beyond tainted by the needless massacre of innocent souls by… I loath to mention their name for their despicable act and I marvel at the recurrent state of denial and finger pointing that is evident in almost all comments.
For how long will we continue to delude ourselves? For how long will we fool ourselves as a Nation? For how long will we continue to tolerate this situation we find ourselves? For how long will we continue to mouth feeble protest as we permit ourselves to rape ourselves? For how long will we continue to blame our supposed leaders for our woes as a Nation? Who can exempt him/herself from the condition we find our Nation in presently? For how long will we continue to wait for that elusive messiah that will come and LEAD us out of this present darkness? When will we ever realize that we need to do something? When will we realize that we can put an end to the abysmal disgrace that we are fast becoming as a Nation? When are we ever going to be united of purpose?
Until we face the truth squarely in the face and accept the truth for what it is, we will never leave this rut we are presently bogged down in. I am tired of hearing people blaming government for everything imaginable that befalls them. When exactly did we all collectively sell our birthright? When did this all pervasive sense of helplessness and acute lethargy overcome us so? Rather than think up creative and strategic ways to free ourselves from the quagmire we are in, we are satisfied with complaining and accusing our leaders. Are these leaders not humans? When are we going to realize that our continuing selfishness will end up destroying us? When will we realize that this “me, myself and I” attitude if not addressed will not only destroy us but our future as nation will be assassinated?
When are we going to stand up for the right, irrespective of race, color, tongue, religious and ethnic diversity? When are we going to shine our eyes and move to deliver ourselves?

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